domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014

My town by Mariona Carré

From Mariona Carré to Meghan Sivakumar

Hi Meghan! How are you?

Now, I'm going to describe my town.
I live in Vinaixa, a little town near les Borges Blanques, the capital of Les Garrigues. It's a nice place and has got only about six hundred people.The climate is very cold in the winter and sometimes there's foggy; but in the summer is very hot and you can't endure the heat so you want to swim in the swimming pool!

My town has got a medical office with a doctor and a nurse and they visit the people three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In the town there's a chemist's.
Vinaixa has algo got a library called Màrius Torres and opens three days a week, too.
For the children in the town there's a primary school called Sant Bonifaci and four parks. 

There are places for the free time such as a swimming pool, a tennis court and a picnic area. 

Respect to the festivities, in summer we celebrate the big local festival, "The Festa Major", it takes three or four days. During the year we celebrate other festivities and traditions like carnival, Christmas, the "Castanyada",which celebrate early autumn, spring festivals, and the Fair Olive Oil.

And, What about your town?

 The church call Església de Sant Joan Baptista

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