jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

My town by Anna Puig

From Anna to Sean Herlihy 


Hi Sean, how are you?

I‘m going to talk about my town. I’m live in Arbeca, a small town near Les Borges Blanques. My town only has 2500 inhabitants, but people are so kind.

We have some places, La plaça del Toll, La placeta, etc. and we have some pubs too. We always go to El colom or El Nano, but we have a lot of pubs or restaurants.
We have two schools; one is for babies and the other is for children, from five years old to twelve years old. This school, a lot of years ago, was a castle, and the proprietor was The Duque of Cardona. This man was so important. The people of the town when the castle was destroyed, built a school, and this still exists.
You can practise some sports, like cycling, running, horse riding, football, gymnastics, athletics, and in summer you can swim in the pool of the town.
I’m going to the music school, and you can practise or play some instruments or learn music. All Mondays and Wednesday I go to this school in Arbeca, but on Friday I must go to Les Borges Blanques because I play in a band. I will play in a band in Lleida, but all the people were professional, but it’s a new challenge.
We haven’t got a cinema or a theatre in our town, but we have El Centro, this building is intended for concerts or some theatres.
In summer, we have Festa Major. This is the most important party in my town, because a lot of people come here. In this party a lot of singers come, and this is a big party. It’s so important La Batucada, too. We walk around the town, and the people of the group play percussion instruments. This is so funny.
We have ''Els Vilars'', this is an Iberian settlement, and was built 2800 years ago. It's very nice and espectacular, and it's one of the most important settlements in Catalonia. 

So, this is all, when you come here, you can visit all of my town.

Goodbye, I’m looking forward to seeing you. 

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