jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

My town by Marc Triquell

From Marc to Annabelle Patton

Hi Annabelle I'm Marc, do yo remember me?

I live in L'Albagés. L'Albagés is a small town, we are 350 people in the town.
It's a very beautiful town, there is a small shop, two bars, and in the summer there is a swimming pool.
People   practice some sports, like football, enduro, BTT and some others. I practice enduro and BTT.
From January to March It's typical to eat calçots, they are like an onion. People use to eat in the farmhouse.
In March and June in my town there is a festival called "Festa Major".It takes  3 or 4 days and there are activities during the day and parties at night.
My family has a farm with pigs we have got 2200 pigs.The farm is 2 or 3 kilometers far from home and when I have to go there I go by motorbike, so I arrive faster.
Bye, have a nice day!
This is the Castle of my village, half in ruins.

This is a view of my town, l'Albagés.

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