miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

My town by Èdim Martí

From Èdim Martí to Lindsey Alloy


My town is very small only it has about 867 inhabitants, in which all or almost all we know each other.
There are pools, a football pitch, bars, restaurants, shops, churches, a castle, schools, municipalities,
We live very well in winter because it is very cold, but summers are very hot.
There are very beautiful houses but almost all are of them are built with stone.
It is a nice town. The weather is good because it does not rain too much, but when it rains, it rains a lot, it tends to rarely but  when it snows, it snows a lot. We always have a hot summer and a cold winter.

This is my town

This is one of the main streets of l'Albi

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