viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

My routine by Xènia Llobera

From Xènia Llobera to Rachel Quim.

Hi Rachel, now I'm going to tell you my routine.
Well, I get up at 6:30 in the morning and I have a shower, I get dressed and I comb my hair. Then I go to have breakfast and I brush my teeth. Then at 7:30 I go to the bus stop and I go to the high school (INS Joesp Vallverdú). We start de clases at eight o'clock and we finish them at ten past two. Then I catch the bus again and we arrived in Juneda at a quarter past two. I have lunch at a quarter to three and then I do some homework. Every morning is the same but the afternoon is different.
On Monday I do homework and I study. On Tuesday and Thursday I go skating at a quarter past six and I finish at nine o'clock, and on Saturday I skate at a half past ten till one o'clock. On Wednesday I go to the English class at four o'clock till five o'clock. On Friday I meet with my friends and we stay in the local. Finaly on Sanday I do the homework and I go to watch my brother to play hoquei.
This is all. I hope to read your answer soon.

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