viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

My routine by Marcel Aixalà

From Marcel Aixalà to Kate Klimkiewicz

Hello Kate, 

I will explain you what I do from Monday to Friday. I wake up at 7 am and I have a shower and breakfast. At 7:30 am I go to the bus station with my sister and go to the school in Borges. 
Classes began at 8am and finish at 2. When I finish the school I go to get the coach to Juneda. I rest there and I lay on the seats of the couch. I have lunch and at 5 I begin to do my homework. At 7 pm I get a train to Lleida because I am injured now and I need to take some recovery sessions until 9 pm. 

When I return to Juneda, I have dinner and go to sleep. On Fridays I do no need to go to recovery so I practise sport with my friends.

At the weekend I sleep a lot in the morning and I go out with my friends in the afternoon and evening. I only study if I have exams.

See you!

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