sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Vacation time by Sara Camí

From Sara Camí to Rachel Foster

Hi Rachel! How are you?

Now, I'm going to tell you my plans for this summer.
This course is finishing, it is only remaining these two weeks of exams and the rest, we'll do the synthesis credit with groups of students.
In late July, I will go to a summer camp in Girona with my friends of the town. There we'll do BTT, windsurf, water sports, snorkeling, paintball and other fantastic activities with fun.  We will stay there for eight days and when we arrive in l'Albi, it will be the Festa Major of my town. A very big and important party of my town. In the Festa Major, every year, we do many activities like gymkhana, pool games,.. and at nights, we go to the concerts until late. The last day of Festa Major, the children of my town perform a show: Escala-en-hifi. Escala-en-hifi is a show that means to make people think that you are singing a song as if you were the real singer, dancing and performing the number as well as you can, imitating the same movements that the singer usually does. It is very fun, and me and my friends participate every year. We had a great time!
The rest of the summer, we go every afternoon at the swimming pool, walk around the town and at nights, I meet with my friends, too. This is all, and what about your summer?
I hope your answer soon.  I like sending you some letters along the course. Have a good summer! and good luck to you!


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