jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Vacation time by Mariona Carré

From Mariona Carré to Meghan Sivakumar

Hi Meghan! How are you? I hope you're fine.
The course is finishing, and these last weeks we still have, we've got a lot of exams.
The second week of june we're going to do the synthesis credit, which is a work in groups about "Travellers" in all the subjects. 
The 19th of June we do the end of the course trip in Tarragona, and the 20th we finally finish the course. 
I would like it will be summer already! In the summer, every day I go to the swimming pool with my friends and at the weekends I often go to the beach in Tarragona too and in August in my town we celebrate the "Festa Major", it's a big party where all people of my town celebrate the party together for several days. We dance, play sport, do competitions, play music, attend to concerts, have good meals, etc
I have enjoyed writting and receiving your letters this course, and I hope to continue so next course. It has been a pleasure to meet you.
Enjoy your summer a lot! I'll try to!


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