martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Vacation Time By Núria Farràs

From Núria Farràs to Aubree Philips

This week and next we have a lot of exams. In the last week of classes we have to do the synthesis credit. A project based on one theme "Travellers".

In summer I go with my friends to the swimming pool and every night  we go out. When there are sales we like going shopping to Lleida because there are good oportunities.
In August my friends and I will go to the "Festa Major" of our town and all the towns around us.

This year I going to go in an English camp in Rialp with my friends. There we are going to improve our English language. And I will also attend to a work camp in my parents city. Then we are going to go to Canary islands with my parents and my sister. 

It has been a pleasure to talk to you throughtout all this year. Good luck and enjoy the summer!



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