domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

Vacation time by Adrià Barrufet

From Adrià Barrufet to Lily Byrnes

Hi Lily! How are you?

This course is ending, there is only a few weeks to finish. I'll do some groups work.

I really want to finish this year and go to the pool every day with my friends. I really like summer vacation and need it! This summer I will go to the Costa Brava with my parents for my birthday, July 9. This summer I will go to the festivals of the towns next to my friends, too.

This summer I'll swim every morning with my brother in the pool, and maybe I'll do some work with my uncle.
What about you? What will you do this summer?

I think it's the last time I write this year. I like sending letters throughout this course., I hope you will continue next year. Have a nice summer!

Kind regards,


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